Teen Girl Bedroom Makeover
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So Sad story…The very day we unpacked the last box into our daughters, finally finished basement bedroom my husband got a new job offer and we pretty much packed back up and moved again. Even sadder story…that stuff had already been packed for 2 years….even sadder story….when we moved into our new house, my daughters bedroom decor took a dive off the deep end!
We had just bought her new bedding and given the promise to finally get her a bedroom of her own! No more sharing with babies and boxes! The colors looked great in our other house, but sadly we never even got around to decorating….

When we got to our new house and unpacked, it was shocking to see how terrible her room looked. We were so excited to FINALLY set her room up and when we got done and turned around to admire our work…..ugh….this…

I know, I know, it could be a lot worse…but at this point this girl was almost a teen and had been sleeping on a couch or in an unfinished basement for almost 3 years! My mommy heart just really wanted to give her something nice!
Mission: Teen Girl BEdroom Makeover
This makeover actually took us two attempts! The first one didn’t go so well! Sometimes that happens! We added a book shelf, chair and end table…It’s slightly better but we needed to try again!

back to the Drawing board
I spent quite a bit of time staring at this picture and creating Pinterest boards. I started a list of must have changes…
1- Updated Paint
2- Freshen Bedding
3-Update Window Treatments
4-Adding Built Ins
5-Update Closet Doors
6- Update Trim and Door

1-update paint
Sherwin Williams is my go to for paint. We’ve lived in a range of houses, I’ve cleaned a range of walls, and a little extra money is definitely worth it here. Sherwin Williams ALWAYS has great coupons so stop by their website and grab one up. The cost is not much more after your coupon. I personally love their Cashmere and Duration Paints. Cashmere goes on so extra smooth it makes you look like a professional painter, it’s a great learning paint, however Duration is durable…I have 5 kids and I’m getting lots of practice lately so I’ve been venturing towards Duration more and more.
My daughter and I actually had a fun time picking out colors. Need a good bonding? A teen bedroom makeover might be it! Bring the samples home, lighting makes an unbelievable difference, pick your favorites and grab a sample. Always go lighter then you think, it’s crazy how much darker it looks once on the walls. We settled on Sherwin Williams Fleur De Sel. It’s a beautiful clean creamy light gray.
2-Freshen Bedding
This took me a little while to accept, I really liked her old bedding but I finally realized it was too heavy. The bold color draws the eye straight to the bed, which was okay in her old room, the bed could be the focus but this new room needed the focus to be those beautiful ceilings and window. Take a look at your bedroom, what do you want the focal point to be? Make sure nothing is distracting from that.
The shopping trip was the best part of the whole makeover and was a great way to get inspiration! My daughter and I had so much fun at Ross. We found EVERY.SINGLE.ITEM there! Our total was under $150! Ross is a great one stop shop for updated styles!

3-Update window treatments
When we took down those heavy brown blinds I could not believe how much taller the ceilings looked. That alone brightened and opened up the whole room! We plan to add white cellular shades. We had them in our old house and I LOVED them! I love being able to see out the windows and open them up all the way to let in the light!
The curtains also needed some help. I previously had 2 panels on her whole big window, it really wasn’t full enough. We simply added two more sheer panels. As a general rule you should buy curtains that are 2 to 2.5 times the width of your window. If you have the option, consider hanging your curtains all the way to the ceiling. It draws the eye up and makes the room and window look bigger.
4-Adding built ins!!
For my daughters birthday we turned that standard Target bookcase into beautiful built ins! This was actually a simple inexpensive update that has a HUGE wow factor! Again it really draws the eye up and opens up the room! We already had one book case so we bought 2 more for the sides and 2 more that we cut and put on top. We then added trim and crown. The whole thing only took us one night….Check out my detailed how to post on these quick and easy Target Built In Bookshelves!

5-Update Closet Doors
These closet doors were sooo bad! We actually updated two different ways for two different rooms. The first we updated the bi-folds. This way was inexpensive but took a lot longer. Once I finish painting the trim and frames I’ll get a blog post up, but until then you can check out the photos below!
The second we removed the bi-folds and track, and measured the opening and purchased two doors that were each half of the opening.This way cost a little more but was super easy. We simply routered out hinges and added a magnetic closure. The routering with the Ryobi Door Hinge Template makes it so unexpectedly easy. It’s almost impossible to mess up. You can check out my detailed steps here….DIY FULL GUIDE TO DOORS AND TRIM…it’s step 3.
Which way do you like?

6-Update Doors and Trim
This part was already in full swing throughout the rest of our house. It makes SUCH A HUGE DIFFERENCE! You can check out how we updated the doors and trim on a budget here. $39 DIY Door Makeover and here Full Guide to Doors and Trim

So what do you think?!
Isn’t it just so beautiful!? Im so happy with the way it turned out! Do you see a teen girl bedroom makeover in your future!?

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