$35 adding Glass to cabinets
simple updates

Who knew adding glass to your cabinets was such a simple, inexpensive upgrade!?
What a huge difference this simple upgrade makes! we added glass to 8 cabinets AND OUR TOTAL WAS UNDER $35! The Cost breakdown is pretty basic, believe it or not, the glue is the most expensive part! ….
Window Panes-$9.00
Window Film-$10
Construction Adhesive- $15.00
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Miter Saw
So Lets Dive in to Adding Glass to your Cabinets!
Step One-taking the Cabinet Doors Down
I suggest unscrewing them from the door and leaving the hinge attached to the frame. The door hinges are set and adjusted for each specific door so you will want to make sure to label or remember which door goes to which cabinet.
Step Two-Cutting the doors
This is definitely the trickiest step of this process. If you have an Oscillating Multi Tool you might choose this route. We don’t so we carefully used our miter saw. If you look carefully at your cabinets you will see three layers…The front picture frame, a back picture frame, and a center piece. The goal is to cut out the center piece. It is just wedged in between the two pieces so if you cut out parts of the middle you should be able to wiggle out the rest of it from between those two picture frame pieces.

The seam is a little easier to see on my unfinished cabinetry…..
(PS- If you would like to see how we refinished our cabinets, you can check out my Budget Kitchen Makeover Post here! )
Once we had that center panel out we decided to cut a little lip for our glass to sit in. We just marked 1/4″ bigger around the back frame and carefully cut through only the back frame. Go slow, you can feel when the saw makes it through that first layer. Be careful not to go through both.

Step Three-Cutting glass
Once you have your doors cut, you will need to measure them. Take your measurements to a big box hardware store, in the glass section, they will cut your glass for you for free! Glass is super, amazingly cheap!! Who knew?!! For all 8 of my panes it came to $9.00!!!!
Step Four- Add window film to your glass.
I’ll be honest, window film wasn’t my first choice. After shopping around at a few different glass stores I really couldn’t find the glass I was interested in. One search on Amazon and I found Velimax Lattice Frosted Window Film. It comes in quite a few patterns but I fell in love with this beautiful lattice design. The lattice design was exactly what I wanted and the film went on so smooth and easy. The film comes with such easy clear instructions and best yet, it’s held on with static cling, so if you need to pull it off, it’s simple with no residue left behind. Just a couple squirts of soapy water and a squeegee, and viola! All 8 panes only took about an hour.

Glass Inserts with frosted decal film from Amazon.

Step Four- Glueing in Glass
Now for the fun part! We laid all the doors on our counter, placed the glass in and went around the edges with clear Construction Adhesive. Make sure its CLEAR and be careful not to get any on the middle of the glass. Get a big bead going and smooth it out with your finger. We went around each of them twice. Let them dry over night, and put your doors back up!!!!

Step FiVe- Sit on your couch and admire your gorgeous glass!
Aren’t they just so beautiful!! It is my favorite part of my whole kitchen…wait….I can’t decide, I really love my open shelving too! It might be a tie. This glass really completed our kitchen remodel though! I couldn’t be happier with the window film, if I had to do it again, I’d do it exactly the same!

It’s Going to be Perfect!
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